Wednesday, September 26, 2018

If you click here, you will be redirected to Anahi and Michelle's scenario regarding a student who abused technology by looking up and showing his peers inappropriate photos.
Image result for what would you do clip art

If I were Mark's teacher, I would immediately revoke his technology privileges and would contact his parents. I feel as if sex is an inappropriate topic to have one on one with a student, and should be had with the parent or guardian present to prevent any presumptions. I would explain to Mark that this is completely unacceptable, and that he will have to work very hard to earn his technology privileges back. As a second grader, Mark should know that this is not proper classroom behavior, and that it should never happen again.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Educational Resource: Plickers

If you click here, you will be directed to my Plickers Powerpoint.

Image result for thank you clip art

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