Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blog Phase I Reflection Questions

Lesson Plan: I. Rationale & II. Overview Reflections: Assessing Prior Knowledge and Planning Instructions:

o What do the students need to know prior to the lesson?
     Students will need to know how to navigate a website, and find key information. In this case, the website will be Ducksters.com. The specific link will be provided to students, as to save time. It may be shared using Google classroom, or it may be shared via direct email.
They will be developing their research skills, and the skill of determining what information is important vs. what is not. Students will also need to be able to write down information found from said website. They will also need to know how to use and participate in Kahoot. They will be directed to the Kahoot website and will need to enter the given code in order to participate.

o How will prior knowledge and experience be assessed?
    Prior knowledge and experience will be assessed using a rubric; this rubric assesses the facts that they have written down, their presentation, and their participation. In order to annotate the online text, they will have had to know how to navigate the website. Their Kahoot knowledge will be assessed using the participation portion of the rubric.

o How will you use this information in the planning process?
    This lesson will be taught given the circumstances that the students have had time to use chromebooks/computers for similar activities, and are familiar with how to use them. If not, then more time should be spent teaching students how to use them. This could be done with a mini lesson, prior to conducting the writing lesson.

o When will the lesson be taught in the course of the school year? Why?
    This lesson should be taught in the second or third quarter of the year. Teaching this lesson at this time provides students the opportunity to become more tech savvy, and more easily reach technology standards. This will cut down on the time it takes to complete this lesson, because students will more promptly access the sites which means they will be conducting their research sooner.
    Waiting until this time also gives the teacher a chance to get to know her students, and he/she will have a better idea of which students should be paired together.

Lesson Plan: III. Implementation Reflection: Designing Instructions:

o How do the instructional methods align with what you know about best practices (think about your methods classes)?
    This lesson requires students to reflect, predict, conduct research, work in a team, and participate in Kahoot. By incorporating all of these activities, students will be actively engaged in order to complete their research assignment, presentation, and answer Kahoot questions. By allowing students to work in teams, they are further developing their ability to communicate with others and use each others strengths to better their assignment.

o How are you engaging students in creative and higher order thinking?
    Students are given the opportunity to present their research in whichever fashion they choose. This allows them to be creative and make illustrations that represent their new found facts. It is also a good skill for students to be able to read through a text, and annotate important information.

Lesson Plan: IV. Assessment Reflection: Planning Assessment:
o How does the assessment demonstrate that the students have been successful in learning the content?
    The assessment is a rubric which tests three aspect: Research, Presentation, Participation. By reviewing the rubric with students, it lets them know what is expected of them, and that they will be graded in those aspects.

o How does the assessment demonstrate that the individual student needs were met?
    The assessment will demonstrate individual students needs being met by referring to a rubric created to ensure that students are reaching the standard of research. Students are to conduct research, and write down at least 5 facts. If students have not done so, they will need to practice annotation skills in order to reach the standard.

Lesson Plan: V. Materials & Resources Reflection:
o How does your lesson meet Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity?
    This lesson facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity by supplying them with materials as a means of presenting their newly learned information. They can be creative and coe up with different ways to present their information, by creating illustrations or diagraphs. They also get to participate in Kahoot.

o How does your lesson meet Standard 2: Provide Digital Age Learning Experiences and
    Students are learning through two different means of technology: Kahoot and Ducksters.com. Rather than listening to a lecture, they get to research for themselves and participate in a fun and competitive game. Both are forms of assessment, considering they are being graded on their annotation, and their participation in Kahoot.

o How does your lesson meet Standard 3: Model Digital Age Work & Learning?
    This lesson meets standard 3 because students are instructed where to find their information, and then are allowed to navigate the site independently.

o How does your lesson meet all four elements of Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Age Citizenship and Responsibility by:
  1. advocating, modeling, and teaching safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
This lesson provides students with the link to the sites that they will be using, informing
students where the information derived from;
  1. addressing the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.
This lesson provides equitable access to technology by allowing students access to computers. All students were put in pairs to work in teams, and use each others strengths to their benefit.
  1. promoting and modeling digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.
    Teacher will review social etiquette rules prior to students logging onto Kahoot, reminding them to use appropriate usernames.
  1. developing and modeling cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age communication and collaboration tools.
    The presentation aspect of this lesson allows students to share their information with the class. Prior to these presentations, students are participating in a discussion about feeling left out because of being different which can relate to race, culture, socio economic status, etc. If you click HERE, you will be redirected to a completed copy of our lesson plan.


  1. Hey Calara, I enjoyed your lesson. I believe that when a teacher provides a copy of the rubric, students have a clear understanding on the expectations teacher is asking for and you and Demi did that. I noticed two different use of technology, youtube and kahoot. One thing I did notice was that the video was too zoomed into the book, I was not able to view the pictures from the book in the video but besides that I loved it!

  2. Hello CaLara, I really like your lesson especially using the book to have the students engaged into the assessment with the 5 facts of the underground railroad. I found it a great idea to have student read more on the underground railroad. But I think another idea would of been having the students do their own research on the internet of the underground railroad and have them write down the different information they have found. Great presentation, thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi CaLara, as I told Demi, I really loved your lesson plan you both created. I can tell you guys put the effort and time to do it. The book Henry's Freedom Box was such a great idea for research along with the website. Having the actual book read by the teacher would of been better than the video, but I know that was the plan anyway. I also liked how you incorporated Kahoot, which keeps the students more motivated.

  4. Hey CaLara, I like the book that you guys picked and how it was presented. The video was ok but I would have preferred if you read it to the class. Next time you forget the book just show the pages fro the internet and read the words yourself. You have a great teacher voice.

  5. Hey CaLara. I enjoyed your lesson. I mentioned in Demi's post that I liked how this topic was brought up at this age because I feel like this is a great age to begin discussing topics of this matter. I feel like students begin have the maturity and awareness at this age. I also like how you guys delivered your lesson. The book is a great way to introduce it to students. I've personally used it when subbing 5th grade and we had a really great discussion on discrimination afterwards. I liked how you guys were able to adjust as well since you forgot the book. Those are characteristics of a true teacher.

  6. I agree that this lesson should be taught sometime in the middle of the school year so the students can be acquainted with the technology aspect first. Additionally, I agree with Jeff, the read aloud was a bit long, but I appreciate how you improvised. That is what a great teacher would do.
