Monday, October 1, 2018

Linking Educational Technology Resource and GDC

1. In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented be appropriate?

My resource, Plickers, can be used in any setting. A parent can use this resource at home, given he/she has internet access and a computer, smart phone, or tablet. Plickers can be used in an elementary level classroom, as early as 1st grade. This resource might also be used in secondary or even college. It can be used to take surveys in college classes, or even a work setting. Plickers is a very versatile resource, that can be used in more than one way.

This technology can easily be associated with Socially Responsible Digital Use. It requires that the creators input appropriate and relevant information to be used. This means inputting information that is not offensive or biased. It also requires the creator to be responsible due to the need of printing out QR codes for all users, inputting information, and distributing codes. It can teach students/users responsibility because they need to follow along, pay attention, and hold up their codes when prompted. This would be a skill that needs to be taught more so in early education.

It is also a Safe, Ethical, and Legal Use of Technology, that can be beneficial to all involved.

2. In what learning environments would the technology resource I presented NOT be appropriate?

Plickers would not be appropriate in a Pre-K - Kindergarten classroom. Students are just beginning to learn letters and numbers at this time, so it might be difficult for them to follow along with a Plickers activity.

3. How might it be modified to be appropriate?

In order to make Plickers appropriate in a Pre-K -Kindergarten classroom, I would suggest limiting responses to A. and B, rather than A, B, C, and D. This gives students only two responses. Then questions that might normally be displayed on the board, could be read aloud, ie. "What color is on the board? If you think the color is red, hold up the letter A. If you think the color is green, hold up the letter B." This could also be used to make class decisions, as far as field trips, or special events might go. Again, limiting students options to answer A or B.

By using Plickers in this grade level, we would be contributing to Equitable Access of Technology. Regardless of age, we would still be exposing students to new technology and making it available for all of them to use.

4. What do you now know that needs to be considered when using technology in the classroom?

When using technology in any classroom, it is important to know your students prior knowledge with different resources. Before teaching a lesson that involves every student using a chrome book, determine whether all of your students know how to use one. And if not, dedicate some time to training them. Every student has a different culture and socio economic status, which might affect their technology knowledge.

It is important that students realize that technology has the power of connecting people from all around the globe, Global Awareness & Cultural Understanding. With this fact in mind, students should be made familiar with Global Digital Citizenship, and they should know what kind of online behavior is appropriate and what is not.


  1. Hello CaLara, that sounds like a good idea in modifying plickers for kindergarten by limiting their answers to A and B. You made good points of how Plickers can be used in classroom and tied it into Global digital citizenship.

  2. Hey Calara! I think plickers is a great resource especially for the little ones so it isn't overwhelming for them.

  3. I agree with modifying Plickers to a more appropriate level for the little ones. This might be a bit overwhelming for them at first so they might need a mini lesson on how it works and the reason behind it. Additionally, teaching them the importance of technology and letting them know it is a tool and not a toy will make them more successful.

  4. i agree that this technology can be used at anytime or place. Good job
